Principal from 1972 to 1981

A. George MacIntosh
Principal 1972-81
Dr. MacIntosh had his initial training in the Industrial Arts program at the Provincial Normal College. He later received a B.Sc. from Rutgers University and an MA from Saint Mary’s University. He began his teaching career in 1945 at Morris Street School, Halifax, was head of industrial arts at Cornwallis Junior High, then vice principal of Bloomfield Junior High School and later, principal of Chebucto School. While teaching in Halifax he was elected the first president of the NSTU and served in that capacity for three consecutive terms. He also served as president of the Canadian Teachers Federation. He acted in various capacities with international educational associations and traveled extensively in his role as educator, working on projects in Europe, Africa and the Caribbean.
Dr. MacIntosh joined the faculty of the Nova Scotia Teachers College in 1969, was appointed vice principal in 1971 and, in 1972, principal of the College. At NSTC he was active in in-service work for teachers and accompanied a group of teachers to England to investigate the primary school system there. During his tenure at NSTC important developments took place, largely at his instigation. These included the expansion of the College campus with the Truro Centennial Pool, McCarthy Hall (the Learning Resources Centre), and The Little White Schoolhouse Museum. The basic teacher training program was lengthened to three years, with graduates obtaining an Associate in Education diploma. A Child Development Services program was initiated as a cooperative venture between the Department of Social Services and the Department of Education, and a Micmac Teacher Education program was introduced for a three-year period. In 1981 NSTC graduates, for the first time, were given the option of completing a fourth year leading to a B.Ed. degree at any of the Nova Scotia universities and colleges having a teacher education component.
Dr. George MacIntosh served the teaching profession with distinction until his untimely death in 1981 at the age of 56.